Mrs. Winnifred Mutinda (Chair): she is a former bank executive who has graduated from SAPTA’s diploma in addiction program and was also trained in December 2018 on the Colombo Plan’s Universal Substance Abuse Prevention Core Training. She is a very passionate supporter of SAPTA as well as very interested in promoting alcohol and drug prevention programs. Ms. Yvonne Orlando (Member): Pursuing a PhD in Clinical Psychology; is a private therapist and is an expert in smoking cessation training and programs. Dr. Sobbie Mulindi (Member): has a PhD in Clinical Psychology and is a senior lecturer in psychiatry at the psychiatry department of the University of Nairobi. He is the former deputy director of NACC (the National AIDS Control Committee). Mr. Joseph Owino (Secretary): is a lawyer and has also graduated from SAPTA’s diploma in addiction counseling program. Dr. Lincoln Khasakhala (Member): is a medical doctor, mental health researcher, PhD in Clinical Psychology and senior lecturer in psychiatry at the psychiatry department of the University of Nairobi. He is also the COO (Chief Operating Officer) [part-time] for SAPTA. Dr. Bill Sinkele, Founder and Managing Director