Dr. Sinkele, founder-executive director of SAPTA
Dr. Sinkele is an American addiction expert and founder of SAPTA (Support for Addiction Prevention and Treatment in Africa) with 31 years in recovery. He is a senior consultant to NACADA (the Kenyan government antidrug agency); on the Technical Working Group for Key Populations with NACC and NASCOP (Kenyan HIV government agencies); and consultant to the Ministry of Health, NCD committee. He was the chairman of the Kenya prisons-probations-stakeholders psycho-social committee and is a present member. He is a Global Master Trainer for both Addiction Counseling and also Addiction Prevention Science under the ICCE Colombo Plan which is supported by the USA State Department. He is a member of a committee to work with the National Police Services on substance abuse and mental disorders among the affected officers. He is the main designer of the SAPTA’s Steps to Healthy Living alcohol/drugs/HIV risk reduction peer education program.

Dr. Khasakhala, medical doctor, mental health researcher, and PhD in Clinical Psychology
Dr. Khasakhala is a medical doctor, a well published mental health researcher, has a PhD in Clinical Psychology, and is a senior lecturer in psychiatry at the University of Nairobi. He is the COO (part-time for SAPTA) as well as head of the youth services centre at Nairobi Hospital. He is trained in cognitive behavioral therapy. He works also extensively with the Kenyan police force officers affected with substance use and mental disorders. He is a member of a committee to work with the National Police Services on substance abuse and mental disorders among the affected officers.

Esther Gitau, the Programs Manager for SAPTA
Esther Gitau, the Programs Manager for SAPTA holds a Bachelors Degree in Counseling Psychology from Africa Nazarene University. She has a Diploma in Addiction Counseling from SAPTA training institute. Esther hasTreatNet D certification in Management of Drug Dependence Treatment services and has 13 years experience in PWID work. She has also worked in Harm Reduction since its inception in Kenya in 2012.

Benadetta Thumbi is the SAPTA program’s Finance Officer.
Benadetta Thumbi is the SAPTA program’s Finance Officer. She is a CPA-K holder. Benadetta is also a graduate of a Bachelors Degree in Business management.