SAPTA is an acronym for Support for Addictions Prevention and Treatment in Africa. The organization was registered as a Kenya nonprofit organization in March 2004 under the name of SAPTA Trust. At inception, the objectives of SAPTA were provision of educational programs for addiction counselors; running of community based prevention programs; advocacy for greater access to treatment; promotion of professionalism in the addiction field through strengthening and capacity building for treatment centers; and outpatient treatment.

SAPTA has focused on alcohol and drug substance use disorders (SUD) and especially their relationship to HIV and AIDS.  SAPTA will also address what is called “behavioral addictions,” which are pathological gambling, sex and pornography addictions and other such addictions.   SAPTA is moving into an expanded vision and mission to include addressing also mental disorders and a trauma-informed approach.  Many people with Substance Use Disorders often also suffer from some mental disorder such as depression, trauma (Post Trauma Syndrome Disorder) and anxiety disorders.

It is also among the few organizations specializing in offering substance abuse prevention and treatment programs.  For a long time, substance addiction and its link to other social economic problems such as HIV/AIDS, poverty, crime and disintegration of social structures has been ignored thus leaving a huge gap in provision of social services by government agencies and other actors. SAPTA existence is therefore aimed at addressing substance abuse and related problems in the society by coming up with evidence based and quality programs built on basic overarching prevention and treatment principles.


    Welcome Message by Founder

    To promote and provide evidence based practices in the area of substance use disorders prevention and treatment. The objectives of SAPTA are;

    provision of educational programs for addiction counselors;
    running of community based prevention programs;
    advocacy for greater access to treatment;
    promotion of professionalism in the addiction field through strengthening of capacity for treatment centre’s
    and outpatient counselling and treatment for substance use disorders.

    A healthy society free from addiction

    5 Point Foci
    1. Alcohol and drug abuse evidence based prevention science, especially for children, adolescents, and young adults.
    2. Alcohol and drug abuse (AUD/SUD) treatment throughout patient services and alcohol and drug treatment programs especially focusing on the poor, those in slums, and those who are marginalized, e.g. injecting drug users, female sex workers, and LGBT.
    3. Recovery programs: understanding SUD as chronic disease management.
    4. Training on evidence – based addiction counseling and prevention science and continuing professional education courses for addiction professionals and others; preparation for addiction counselor certification exam (ICCE)
    5. Research on alcohol/drugs/HIV/mental illnesses; advocacy for access to treatment