SAPTA programs provide a WHO guided comprehensive Harm Reduction Service for People Who Inject Drugs(PWIDs) in Nairobi County. This is done through an Outreach/Peer led Model program. SAPTA has 3 outpatient Drop-In-Centers in Pangani, Githurai and Kayole areas of Nairobi under the Global Fund Program through the Kenya Red Cross. These centers reach a total of 513 women and 3402 men. These clients are reached with Behavioral, Structural and Biomedical interventions:
Behavioral Interventions
- Peer Education and Outreach
- Promotion, Demonstration and Distribution of male and female condoms
- Provision of Information, Education and Communication material
- Risk Assessment and counselling
- Prevention counselling
- Evidence based interventions
- Addiction counselling
- Health education sessions
- Support groups
Biomedical Interventions
- HIV Testing and counselling
- Anti-retroviral therapy (PEP)
- Needle and Syringe program
- TB screening and referral for treatment
- Medically Assisted Therapy referral and follow up
- Comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services
- Viral hepatitis screening, vaccination and treatment
- Management of minor ailments
Structural Interventions
- Nutritional Support
- Hygiene Services
- A safe space and entertainment